Call to Action! Write to your alder in support of the Market!

This is an urgent request to Madison Public Market supporters! If you believe in the Public Market and its’ potential to be an amazing resource for small businesses as well as its’ future as a beloved Madison destination, the time is now to write to your City of Madison alder. Once again, we’ve reached a […]

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Cap Times: Madison Public Market funding proposal increases by $3.3 million

The Cap Times has reported on September 28 that City Council member Sabrina Madison has introduced a budget amendment to pay the extra money needed to build the long-awaited Madison Public Market, but her proposal depends on more help from Dane County. The lowest bid from a contractor to reconstruct the building came in this […]

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Update: Alder looks to close latest funding gap

The Cap Times reported on September 19 that Alder Sabrina Madison intends to submit an amendment to the 2023 Capital Budget, seeking to further fund the construction of the Market. She and others will ask that an additional $1.6M be approved. “I am interested in seeing the project through because I believe the economic and […]

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You’re invited to the Ready! Set! Market! Open House on Sept. 12!

The Madison Public Market Foundation will host a Ready! Set! Market! event to offer a taste of what the Madison Public Market will be! This open house will feature a mix of local vendors, including exciting newer businesses and a few of Madison’s long-time favorites. The event will take place at the future home of […]

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In Memoriam: Leslie Watkins

We mourn the passing of our friend and former Madison Public Market Foundation board member Leslie Watkins. She died March 5, 2023 at her Madison home surrounded by family and friends after a battle with pancreatic cancer. A Wisconsin State Journal article describes her as “the brightest light in any room”. Leslie was an entrepreneur, […]

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Madison Public Market Foundation announces major private funding partners

CUNA Mutual Group, Boardman Clark, Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation among others provide major investments in the construction of the Madison Public Market The Madison Public Market Foundation is pleased to announce that over the course of the last few years, a variety of corporate and philanthropic leaders have provided gifts to the Madison Public Market’s […]

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Madison Community Foundation funds Market’s art expressions

The Madison Public Market Foundation is pleased to have been named a recipient of a $40,000 grant from the Madison Community Foundation (MCF). Announced on December 28, 2022, MCF offered total of $697,500 in grants to 12 nonprofits throughout the Madison area. The grants address opportunities and support organizations are in five focus areas, which […]

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Mayor’s Statement on the Passage of the 2023 Budget and Public Market Funding

I am very glad that the Common Council took another look at the plans for the Madison Public Market and gave it some thoughtful consideration. The Council expressed strong support for the Market Ready participants and I agree that the equity and empowerment aspects of the project are its most exciting features. I look forward […]

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Great news! Common Council votes 17 – 3 to save the Public Market

Great News! The City’s Common Council alders voted 17 – 3 to request $4.5 million from the TID #36!  Initially, Alders Syed Abbas, Regina Vidaver and Nasra Wehelie proposed using up to $6 million from a robust TIF district on the East Washington Avenue corridor to close the gap, but the council on Wednesday, November […]

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Common Council could decide fate of the Public Market – Call to action for 11/15 Council Meeting

This is the final moment! The fate of the Madison Public Market and the many opportunities for building equity-based wealth in Greater Madison will be decided by the City’s Common Council next week. There is a path forward for the Public Market! Over the last few weeks, there has been renewed energy and public support for the […]

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“I can’t think of any better way to truly experience the culture of a city. The Public Market will be a place that brings people together from all backgrounds to share their love for food; giving the opportunity to diverse local businesses and artisans to have a space to grow and showcase their craft. It will be an important piece to the economic growth of our city and a vibrant destination experience.” - Sujhey Beisser, Park Bank & Five Senses Palate

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