Imagine our Public Market

From the moment you walk into the public market, the sounds, savory aromas, and positive energy will create a unique experience that will keep residents and visitors coming back for more. When the Market opens in early 2025, it will feel alive with social and economic activity.


Calling All Interested Merchants!

Fill out the Merchant Interest Form to start the review process! The Madison Public Market strives to be a celebration of diversity filled with local food merchants from a variety of cultural backgrounds offering a unique array of cuisines and products.


Experience What Our Market Can Be

Equity Through Entrepreneurship

What's New?

Keep an eye on our website for the latest on what you'll find at our Public Market, from vendors to design concepts to programs and more.


“The Public Market Foundation is dedicated to engaging neighbors and the community about creating the Market as a truly inclusive and captivating destination. I’m pleased that 2,000 people have been inspired to share their ideas and opinions on the Market. As the project moves forward, continued feedback will only make the Market a great success!” - - Larry Palm, City of Madison Alder District 12

See What People are Saying