
The Madison Public Market Foundation (a non-profit organization and future operator of the Market) is raising final funds for a variety of items such as equipment, furnishings, artwork, operating reserves, and programming to support entrepreneurs. These final funds are important to launch a successful, vibrant public market.

Giving is easy! The Madison Public Market Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, so your gift will be tax deductible. The Foundation’s EIN/TIN # is 82-266213.

You can give online by clicking the Give button below.

You can mail a check made out to:

Madison Public Market Foundation
PO  Box 260026
Madison, WI 53726-0026

We can also accept gifts of stock and other investments.

Gifts of all sizes will secure a place for your name on our Global Table donor appreciation wallJoin with us!

Donor wall at Madison Public Market

For an opportunity to leave your legacy in Madison with a major gift, please contact Amanda White at [email protected] or (608) 698-9104.

Stay connected with us! For updates on our progress in making the Madison Public Market a reality, subscribe to our monthly eUpdate or like us on Facebook.

“Madison needs this Public Market. It’s an important opportunity for our children of color to have a place where they can go and see many other people of color owning businesses and finding success in our city. I’m excited to welcome our kids to the Market where we can teach them about business ownership. The Public Market is a place we’ll all be proud of.” - Judy Cooper, owner of QB's Magnetic Creations, a MarketReady participant

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