Green Space and Community Gathering

The Madison Public Market will be a place that creates community and brings people together through a celebration of local food and art. Many opportunities for placemaking are integrated into the Public Market design including multiple outdoor patios and lounge areas, indoor/exterior artwork, and community meeting and event spaces.

Outdoor patio and lounge areas provide seating, food cart vending, B-cycle rental, bike parking, and connect to nearby green spaces. (Check out the Market site plan to see these spaces)

Take your Market meal to go! Adjacent to the Public Market is Burr Jones Field, an expansive green space bordered by the Yahara river and the Yahara River bike path.

  • Imagine taking your lunch out to the park for a picnic.
  • Or, canoeing up the Yahara River to a Public Market boat launch.
  • Perhaps, after you’ve filled up at the Market, you might grab a B-Cycle and head down the Bike Path to ride along picturesque Lake Mendota or Lake Monona.
  • Or, ride up to the Square and to State Street.

Because of the Market’s fantastic and convenient central location, all of these options and more become possible!

I’m excited about building a market that highlights Madison’s diverse cultures, offers a space for business start-ups, and celebrates Wisconsin agriculture. Food brings people together and the market will be a vibrant, welcoming space for everyone: a year-round special event! - Anne Reynolds

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