The Market Experience

From enjoying a family outing on a chilly winter afternoon to impressing out of town business partners, the Madison Public Market will have something to enjoy for everyone. Open year round 5-6 days per week, the Public Market will offer a wide variety of cuisine and handmade goods. No matter when you visit, the Public Market will have something new and interesting to discover during every season.

At the Public Market, you’ll find:

  • fresh, homegrown produce from local, small-scale farmers
  • culturally diverse and convenient prepared food
  • temporary merchant space for unique events and pop-up markets (how about in-door food cart festivals and winter Dane Dances?!)
  • specialty gifts from local artisans
  • affordable community room rentals
  • a variety of outdoor green spaces for outdoor seating and lounging
  • iconic artwork
  • a gathering place that brings the best of everything South Central Wisconsin offers in one friendly, vibrant place

Can’t wait for our Market? Neither can we! Help us make it a reality.

It’s exciting to see the progress being made toward opening a public market in Madison–it’s been a long time coming! Not only will we have access to local foods year-round, but the vision and development of this market is truly inclusive and diverse, working with a number of women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs of color, from a diversity of cultural backgrounds. Food is such an important expression of culture and a means for connection–I’m looking forward to celebrating and connecting with our diverse community of inspiring and passionate food entrepreneurs at our public market! - Otehlia Cassidy, Madison Eats Food Tours

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