Vendor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The vendor selection process is still a number of months away. But, as we get closer to our opening date in early 2025, prospective vendors will likely be considering a myriad of issues related to their future presence in the Market or as a new business start up in Trustage MarketReady Hall. Our Vendor Workgroup is actively developing the preliminary answers to many of the likely questions. Please review the most current version of our FAQs, as this might provide some insight that guides your planning. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, and you’ve not yet completed the Vendor Interest Form, please do so.

MPM Vendor FAQs-2 Sept 2023

It’s exciting to see the progress being made toward opening a public market in Madison–it’s been a long time coming! Not only will we have access to local foods year-round, but the vision and development of this market is truly inclusive and diverse, working with a number of women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs of color, from a diversity of cultural backgrounds. Food is such an important expression of culture and a means for connection–I’m looking forward to celebrating and connecting with our diverse community of inspiring and passionate food entrepreneurs at our public market! - Otehlia Cassidy, Madison Eats Food Tours

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