Year End Update: 2022 will be the year that our Public Market breaks ground!


As we look ahead to a new year, we are more hopeful than ever that our Public Market will FINALLY become a reality in Madison. We can’t thank you enough, donors and friends, for continuing to support and believe in this exciting project.

Our progress continues toward a groundbreaking in fall of 2022. Our forward momentum includes:

  • New community supporters: Despite the challenges, the community continues to help us move the Market forward. We’ve received support from a variety of generous corporate and philanthropic leaders in 2021. (see below)
  • State funding opportunities: Both the City of Madison and the Madison Public Market Foundation submitted grants for WI recovery funding. Because of construction delays and other unforeseen challenges, the project has a funding gap that can be mostly filled by these opportunities.
  • Federal EDA grant: Throughout 2021, City staff have been meeting with representatives at EDA to secure this important federal funding. We expect a final award in early 2022.
  • Weekly progress: For the last year, the City of Madison staff and Madison Public Market Foundation have been meeting every week to keep the project moving forward. We greatly appreciate our wonderful team at the City.

We are so close to putting shovels in the ground, and it’s critical that we are successful. We continue to receive requests for affordable space in the Market, as businesses struggle and look for options.

Together, we can build a community-focused iconic destination that celebrates the best of Madison, supports 100+ small businesses every year, and puts minority-owned businesses front and center.

If you haven’t already, please consider the Market for your seasonal giving. The more folks who join with us, the sooner we can open the doors.

Happy Holidays and New Year!
Jamaal Stricklin, Chair
Madison Public Market Foundation

“I’m excited about the multi-cultural emphasis Madison’s Public Market will have. I look forward to the local tastes, sounds, activities, and works of art to enjoy in one place. This will be a popular destination for people of all ages and all backgrounds.” - Steve Goldberg

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