Small Business Saturday Makes a Big Difference for Local Entrepreneurs

Looking for something special for that special someone this holiday season? Tired of seeing Amazon and WalMart gobble up the local business economy, leaving empty storefronts across Main Street America?

Perhaps your best bet is to support your friends and neighbors by buying local on Small Business Saturday, this November 25th. Specialty body care products, children’s books, one-of-a kind arts and crafts, hand-made clothing and even treats for that furry, four-footed friend are readily available from a locally-owned or managed small business. These storefronts line State Street, Willy Street, Monroe Street, downtown Verona, Stoughton, Mount Horeb and communities throughout the region. You can find many of these vendors at #ShineOnMadison and #DaneBuyLocal. The right “Oh, my gosh!” gift is probably just down the street.

Small Business Saturday started in 2010 and has grown across the country to include shoppers like you and local businesses everywhere. In 2016, 112 million shoppers showed their support for local merchants, and spent a reported $15.4 billion.

The Madison Public Market is working to support local entrepreneurs in association with the MarketReady Program. The training program provides business training services and micro-grants to low income populations, people of color and other populations that face historic barriers to starting businesses, including displaced workers, women, veterans and immigrants. Many of the vendors accepted into the program are interested in becoming regular vendors at the Public Market. In fact, a number of MarketReady merchants have holiday items ranging from delicious cakes to beautiful gift items.

And if other plans get in your way and you can’t do your holiday shopping on Small Business Saturday, come on down to the next Taste of the Public Market event on December 6. Join us to experience some of the magic of the holiday season with the merchants and makers of your Public Market. Explore the traditions and customs of Madison’s many cultures through tasty treats and gifts for your loved ones.

Wednesday, December 6
5 – 8 pm
945 E. Washington Ave.

See you out and about, supporting your local businesses!

As a proud supporter of the Madison Public Market, I’m most excited to have a place making attraction that will encourage entrepreneurs to build their businesses by bringing our community and those visiting Madison together to experience a culturally diverse attraction. - Trey Sprinkman, Sprinkman Real Estate

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