
Are you interested in becoming a vendor at the Public Market? Learn more here.

In Madison, we’re blessed with an abundance farmer’s markets, food carts, and local restaurants. Many of these entrepreneurs don’t have access to the significant capital required to grow their businesses. They need a stepping stone from food cart to full restaurant, from Farmer’s Market stand to year-round store, from making products at their kitchen table to manufacturing on a larger scale.

The Madison Public Market is a small business incubator and accelerator, with a strong focus on minority-owned businesses, that provides affordable rent, a commercial kitchen/food production space, and access to 500,000+ potential customers every year. While some Market vendors will become beloved long-time tenants of the Market, the goal is to have most accelerate out of the Market to their next level of success.

The Madison Public Market will provide important, affordable small business development opportunities through the following offerings:

  • 30 permanent booth spaces
  • a variety of temporary vending space available by the day, week or month
  • outdoor food cart stalls
  • craft festivals, food fairs, and other public events
  • commercial kitchen and food development space at the MarketReady Hall food products incubator
  • ongoing MarketReady program for business development training and connections to resources

I’m excited to have a place where people can share their passions and different cultures. The Madison Public Market has 30 participants in the MarketReady Program, 83% are people of color and 63% are women. This is truly exciting! To have a place where people can come together to shop, eat and just hang out but also to develop community, build relationships and grow. This is very exciting for the people who live here and for the people who will come visit Madison. - Alice Choi, Hip Foodie Mom

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