About this Merchant

Taco Sunrise

Gaylene serves American style tacos with creative advertising and unique comfort food flavors. She has been cooking and building up a customer base over the years and is just completing Madison College culinary program.

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Merchants are the heart of the Public Market. Over the coming months, the Development Team will be selecting vendors for the new Market. With over 200 existing and start-up businesses stating interest in Market retail space, the Market is sure to have a wide variety of unique, multi-cultural, local merchants. This profile is a merchant interested in calling the Public Market home.

“I just love supporting our LOCAL business owners! Hearing that the Public Market was coming to Madison was so exciting. It’s so awesome knowing I’d have the opportunity to experience a variety of local vendors in one spot! Personally, I look forward to bringing my family, knowing the quality the Madison Public Market will bring… It just feels good.” - Suzanne N. Johnson, Vice President Branch Banking, Park Bank

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