About this Merchant

Hecho a Mano

Jessica will open a tortilleria that sources its ingredients from local farmers and creates delicious tortillas from scratch to support and empower women across the community.

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Merchants are the heart of the Public Market. Over the coming months, the Development Team will be selecting vendors for the new Market. With over 200 existing and start-up businesses stating interest in Market retail space, the Market is sure to have a wide variety of unique, multi-cultural, local merchants. This profile is a merchant interested in calling the Public Market home.

“Madison needs this Public Market. It’s an important opportunity for our children of color to have a place where they can go and see many other people of color owning businesses and finding success in our city. I’m excited to welcome our kids to the Market where we can teach them about business ownership. The Public Market is a place we’ll all be proud of.” - Judy Cooper, owner of QB's Magnetic Creations, a MarketReady participant

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