Wisconsin State Journal: Meet the entrepreneurs being groomed for the Madison Public Market

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September 24, 2017. If the 30 entrepreneurs in the Madison Public Market’s MarketReady program are any indication, the market will be a crossroads of cultural diversity.

The program is offering this group of local chefs, bakers, artisans and specialty retailers extra support as they prepare to grow their businesses into the market, which is expected to open in 2019 at the corner of East Washington Avenue and First Street.

Here’s a snapshot of each of the 30 entrepreneurs and their big — or small — ideas. Most of the photos were submitted by the entrepreneurs for MarketReady.

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As a proud supporter of the Madison Public Market, I’m most excited to have a place making attraction that will encourage entrepreneurs to build their businesses by bringing our community and those visiting Madison together to experience a culturally diverse attraction. - Trey Sprinkman, Sprinkman Real Estate

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